Senate debates
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Electoral Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2020; In Committee
12:05 pm
Rex Patrick (SA, Centre Alliance) Share this | Hansard source
Before I ask a question, I want to make a couple of short remarks in relation to Senator Cormann's second reading speech. He was directing, in some sense, a criticism at the crossbench for having supported previous legislation. Of course, you'll find support for anything that pushes electoral donations to a position of greater integrity. The criticisms I made in my second reading contribution were not in relation to anything this bill is doing; they were in relation to what the bill is not doing. I think it's a bit disingenuous to suggest anything other than that what I was suggesting was that the bill doesn't deal with certain things that are important to most Australians.
It's in that vein that I'm going to ask questions about the coverage of this bill, and these may go to some of the amendments, so, in terms of order, it may save time later. I'll start with a preliminary question. Minister, are you aware of the arrangements that take place whereby political parties organise dinners and members of companies or organisations or, indeed, individuals turn up to these political dinners and pay a price that would not reasonably be considered to cover off just the food? In actual fact, these dinners generate money which is used by parties to advocate their position in election campaigns. Are you aware of those dinners and functions that take place?
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