Senate debates
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Questions without Notice
COVID-19: Quarantine
2:56 pm
Simon Birmingham (SA, Liberal Party, Minister for Finance) Share this | Hansard source
(—) (): [by video link] That's strike 3 from Senator Pratt—three questions, three failures and three statements that are completely false, incorrect or failing facts. As I made clear yesterday when Senator Pratt tried this on, the Prime Minister said no such thing. We're grateful for the fact that Western Australians, like all Australians, are turning out in record numbers to get vaccinated. We're confident that Western Australians want us to stick to a plan that gives them back the opportunity to engage with the rest of Australia and with the rest of the world. That's what our national plan is all about: driving the vaccination numbers for Australians to points where we can all get back those freedoms and liberties. Whether you live in Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, or the territories, we want every single Australian to have the chance to get back those freedoms. Listening to those opposite, despite their saying they back the plan, it's clear they speak with forked tongue. It's perfectly clear they don't. (Time expired)
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