Senate debates
Monday, 18 October 2021
Parliamentary Office Holders
10:36 am
Sue Lines (WA, Deputy-President) Share this | Hansard source
Mr President, I rise as Deputy President to congratulate you on your election this morning. I look forward to working with you. I note that you'll be the third President I've worked with; I'm not sure if that says something about the government or something about us as the opposition, but I do look forward to working with you. As I discussed with you when we met in Western Australia a couple of weeks ago, I've seen you work as chair of committees and you've always been very fair, and I look forward to that fairness.
I also pay my respects to Scott Ryan as the previous President. He had a very calm way of working and I know that you do too, and I look forward to that continued calmness. So congratulations on your appointment today.
The CHAIR: There being no further contributions, the sitting of the Senate is suspended until the ringing of the bells.
Proceedings suspended from 10:37 to 11:15
The PRESIDENT (Senator Brockman ) took the chair at 11:15, read prayers and made an acknowledgement of country.
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