Senate debates

Wednesday, 1 December 2021


Bob Brown Foundation Environment Awards

1:46 pm

Photo of Jordon Steele-JohnJordon Steele-John (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

[by video link] Here in WA, we have a long and proud history of our community mobilising and organising in the face of government decisions that put our community and our environment at risk, from the antinuclear movements of the 1980s to the truly remarkable protection of James Price Point, in WA's north-west, against fracking—a campaign that took place in 2013.

Right now we are bearing witness to the next chapter in WA's environmental history. I'm so proud to have seen some of these incredible community-led campaigns recognised at the Bob Brown Foundation Environment Awards last week. I can't tell you how proud I am to see WA climate activist Bella Burgemeister recognised, jointly with a number of others, as Young Environmentalist of the Year. Bella is a litigant in the landmark Sharma v Minister for the Environment class action. She is a truly impressive young person and has a really bright future ahead of her. I'm also really chuffed to see Jess Beckerling's tireless work with the WA Forest Alliance acknowledged with the Environmentalist of the Year award. She's been a champion for WA forests for as long as I can remember and was instrumental in the WA government's recent decision to ban native forest logging.

It is a real privilege to work with people like Bella and Jess, who are committed to creating a future where our environment, our wildlife and our future generations thrive. It's what the Greens were founded on and it's what we will continue to champion proudly in this place.


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