Senate debates

Wednesday, 30 March 2022


Federal Election: Labor Government

1:59 pm

Photo of James McGrathJames McGrath (Queensland, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

My fellow Queenslanders, now is not the time to vote Labor. I need you to vote LNP, because we do not want to let Albanese do to Australia what Palaszczuk has done to Queensland. Just look at Queensland. We have new taxes, we have higher taxes, we have a war on business, we have a war on farmers and we have more red tape. Guess what? We have a premier who sends goons to raid the Integrity Commissioner's office. We've got a Labor government that is corrupt. If you look up White Pages, there is corruption there in Queensland. Do not let Albanese do to Australia what Palaszczuk has done to Queensland. Especially do not let those oxygen thieves at the far end of the chamber get anywhere near government. Do not let the Greens in coalition with those oxygen thieves opposite destroy this country.


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