Senate debates

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Parliamentary Office Holders


11:24 am

Photo of Simon BirminghamSimon Birmingham (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

President, I congratulate you on your election to this very important office within this chamber as President of the Senate. In doing so, I also acknowledge the longstanding convention in the Senate of the role of the party of government to nominate the President of the Senate. I congratulate you on being the nominee of the government and, with that, enjoying the support of both the government and the opposition to take this place. I particularly acknowledge the role of former President Senator Slade Brockman. I thank Senator Brockman for his all-too-short service in the chair and acknowledge that during that time he discharged his duties with nothing but professionalism, fairness and diligence, and worked cooperatively with you, President—then as Deputy President—as his distinguished predecessor, Senator Scott Ryan, equally had done.

It was, indeed, a long period of service that you held as Deputy President. It brings you, President, to this chair, with much knowledge and experience of the procedures and processes of the chamber, and the other important functions and roles of President that you will now discharge. You do so at a time of a new government, a new parliament and a new Senate. With that, it's important that all of us remember the very special responsibilities that fall upon you as President to this Senate and to all senators in the fulfilling of those duties, to ensure the proper functioning of this chamber and to ensure that the dignity of this chamber is upheld. These are duties that also fall upon each and every one of us in our conduct that we bring to this place, and I hope that all senators will work to make sure that you, the deputy and those who hold the chair from time to time are all supported as much as possible in that role. It is also important that the role provide every opportunity for each senator to advance their issues of concern, for each senator to be able freely to debate, to challenge and to contest ideas across this chamber, to scrutinise the government of the day, within the full limits of the standing orders, and to have the freedom and opportunity to be able to do so.

We wish you well in your service. We acknowledge, indeed, that you follow a long line of successful Presidents and the particular role as the first woman to hold this office from the Australian Labor Party, following Senator Margaret Reid, who had such a distinguished service as a Liberal senator in this place and as President. In wishing you success, we offer you our support for the office, for you to be a strong, fair and independent presiding officer in this place.


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