Senate debates

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Parliamentary Office Holders


11:04 am

Photo of Dorinda CoxDorinda Cox (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I submit myself to the will of the Senate. Never in this country's colonised history has a First Nations person ever been appointed as the President of the Senate. At a time when there is more First Nations representation here, in the 47th Parliament, than ever before, it's now our chance to take that further step and realise the full ambition of our First Nations parliamentarians.

In May, across this country, Australians told us that they wished to see a different parliament. They made it clear that their parliamentarians don't just talk about their communities. They should also look like them, they should sound like them and they should be from those communities. This morning each of you were welcomed to country with an expectation we will set ourselves on the right path and begin a new legacy together of truth-telling, of accountability, of treaty and of justice.

I thank the Australian Greens party room for this important and history-making nomination, and I thank you all for your support.

The Clerk: The Senate will now proceed to ballot. Please write on the ballot paper the name of the candidate you wish to vote for. The candidates are Senator Lines and Senator Cox. I invite Senator Urquhart and Senator McKim to act as scrutineers.

A ballot having been tak en—

The Clerk: I announce the result of the ballot as follows: informal, two votes; Senator Cox, 12 votes; Senator Lines, 54 votes. Senator Lines is therefore elected President of the Senate in accordance with the standing orders.

Senator Lines having bee n conducted to the dais—


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