Senate debates
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Selection of Bills Committee; Report
11:16 am
Anne Urquhart (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source
I present the fourth report for 2022 of the Selection of Bills Committee and I seek leave to have the report incorporated in Hansard.
Leave granted.
The report read as follows—
REPORT NO. 4 OF 2022
1. The committee met in private session on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 at 7.15 pm.
2. The committee recommends that—
(a) the provisions of the Atomic Energy Amendment (Mine Rehabilitation and Closure) Bill 2022 be referred immediately to the Economics Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 23 November 2022 (see appendix 1 for a statement of reasons for referral);
(b) the provisions of the Emergency Response Fund Amendment (Disaster Ready Fund) Bill 2022 be referred immediately to the Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 16 November 2022 (see appendix 2 for a statement of reasons for referral); and
(c) the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2022 [No. 2] be referred immediately to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 28 February 2023 (see appendix 3 for a statement of reasons for referral).
3. The committee recommends that the following bills not be referred to committees:
4. The committee deferred consideration of the following bills to its next meeting:
(Anne Urquhart)
8 September 2022
Appendix 1
Proposal to refer a bill to a committee
Name of bill:
Atomic Energy Amendment (Mine Rehabilitation and Closure) Bill 2022
Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:
Hears from stakeholders
Hear from traditional owners
Hear from Department
Possible submissions or evidence from:
Traditional owners
Relevant Companies
Committee to which bill is to be referred:
Economics Legislation Committee
Possible hearing date(s):
Sept—Oct 2022
Dec—Feb 2022-23
Possible reporting date:
First sitting Tuesday 2023
Senator Nick McKim
Appendix 2
Proposal to refer a bill to a committee
Name of bill:
Emergency Response Fund Amendment (Disaster Ready Fund) Bill 2022
Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:
Complicated issue with huge ramifications for disaster affected communities
Possible submissions or evidence from:
Community Groups, Emergency services, Individuals that are affected
Committee to which bill is to be referred:
Finance and Public Affairs Committee
Possible hearing date(s):
Possible reporting date:
Friday before the first sitting week in February 2023
Senator Wendy Askew
Appendix 3
Proposal to refer a bill to a committee
Name of bill:
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2021
Reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:
Examine importance of the bill
Possible submissions or evidence from:
Environment Stakeholder
Industry Stakeholders
Committee to which bill is t o be referred:
Environment and Communications
Possible hearing date(s):
Late 2022/early 2023
Possible reporting date:
28 February 2023
Senator Nick McKim
I move:
That the report be adopted.
Question agreed to.
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