Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Statements by Senators

Australian Greens

1:54 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Conservative values, including freedom, mean we embrace diverse opinions within our wider embrace of the rich tapestry of God's creation. From free debate of different opinions comes strong policy, fair policy. Yet our opponents on the control side of politics play the person, not the argument. This is second nature to the Left, the control side of politics, with hubris and intolerance covering for ignorance and driving their personal attacks.

In discussing Senator Thorpe's behaviour, we see that, unlike the control side of politics, conservatives embrace differences of opinion. Could it be that the Left's own attack on Senator Thorpe is political payback for her opposition to the voice? Remember how an old social media message from Lidia Thorpe, asking for Senator Hanson's support in fighting the voice, was dredged up? That dredging up was the warning shot Senator Thorpe did not heed.

Now we have the bikie boss scandal. Adam Bandt reacted quickly, with an immediate sacking—as if it was orchestrated. One Nation asked what Adam Bandt knew and when he knew it. A head may roll, yet not the one intended. Listening to confidential briefings on bikie gang criminality while in a secret relationship with a recent boss of a bikie gang deserves strong censure. Cheating on one's significant other deserves censure in another place, not here. One Nation hopes, in future, to see less petulance and better judgement from Senator Thorpe.


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