Senate debates

Monday, 21 November 2022

Questions without Notice

Albanese Government: Floods

2:08 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Senator Sheldon, I recognise and thank you for your commitment to flood-effected communities, particularly as the government's special envoy for disaster recovery.

In Australia right now there are currently around 200 local government areas which are disaster declared and receiving state and federal support. Many of those are in New South Wales, where 75 local government areas have experienced severe flooding. That's around 60 per cent of all the council areas in New South Wales. These floods bring real tragedy, and our thoughts are with the family and friends of the 10 people who have lost their lives in New South Wales and Victoria to date. These floods are deadly, and, in many areas, they are repeated. These floods have a real human cost, and people are hurting. Senator Sheldon, I know that you visited central west New South Wales last week, as did the Deputy Prime Minister. We've all heard devastating and inspiring stories of resilience and survival.

Yesterday, I met with locals in Eugowra, where homes were literally washed down the road and roofs came to rest on cars, among much other damage. I spoke with Snow, who pulled 12 people out of flood waters to safety, and Kim, who was rescued from her roof by helicopter. I heard stories of neighbours checking on one another and helping with the clean-up. Understandably, the people I met with are deeply affected by these traumatic experiences. I know they have the support of this entire chamber.

I know other communities are going through similar horrors. While in Rochester in Victoria just over a week ago, I saw the damage from heavy rains on the local school. I've seen similar damage to homes, crops and businesses in Echuca, Moree, Forbes and Parkes, just since parliament last sat. I want to commend the heroic work we're seeing from local communities and from local SES, police and fire services. The federal government is currently deploying 200 ADF personnel in central New South Wales as we speak, and it's been terrific to see support from our international friends in New Zealand and Singapore. Everyone is supporting these communities right now. Time expired.


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