Senate debates

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Statements by Senators

Criminal Justice System in the Australian Capital Territory

1:34 pm

Photo of Linda ReynoldsLinda Reynolds (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I note that Mr Drumgold, the ACT DPP, today backflipped on his allegations of political interference in the AFP investigation. Let me be very, very clear: as I did yesterday, I categorically reject this suggestion and consider it a complete affront to my reputation. This baseless suggestion was without any foundation. It should never, ever have come to this. I have provided all assistance and all possible cooperation with the Australian Federal Police investigation, as I released in a media statement yesterday. I cooperated not only with the AFP but also with the DPP and the defendant's lawyers.

The facts were always available to the DPP. It is baffling and it is disturbing that this view was offered under oath yesterday, as there was absolutely no basis for this claim, as the DPP has now acknowledged, again under oath, today, in the inquiry.


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