Senate debates

Monday, 19 June 2023

Statements by Senators

Climate Change

1:35 pm

Photo of Alex AnticAlex Antic (SA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

In 1970, the Sydney Morning Herald reported, 'Weather experts fear air pollution, if unchecked, will bring on a new ice age.' In 1978, a documentary was made featuring Leonard Nimoy, of Star Trek, fame, who told viewers, 'During the lifetimes of our grandchildren, arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of the planet into a polar desert.' In the late 1990s and early 2000s we were being told that humans had punched a hole in the ozone layer and that the sun's ultraviolet rays were going to kill us all.

Alarmist rhetoric about man-made climate change is nothing new. The United Nations and the media have been pushing it for decades, but, over time, the narrative has shifted from global cooling to global warming. In fact, several months ago, Greta Thunberg deleted a tweet from 2018 which read, 'A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.' These prophecies of doom simply never come true. The polar bears are still here, the sea hasn't risen and the ozone layer is fine. But the point of this messaging is to make you afraid. Why? Because if a climate apocalypse is imminent then governments of the world can centralise their power and control, and control your actions with the so-called 'emergency'. It's a Trojan horse for globalism led by the United Nations and their puppetmasters, and the Chinese Communist Party.

This is not serving Australian interests. These entities are not serving Australian interests; they're trying to control us and they are trying to make us weak. That is the real emergency.


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