Senate debates

Wednesday, 2 August 2023


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2022 [No. 2]; Second Reading

9:28 am

Photo of Jonathon DuniamJonathon Duniam (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Environment, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Senator Payman says by interjection their record is much better than ours. Let's see what happens after the Australian Labor Party's national conference, where the Labor Environment Action Network take over the joint and force a shutdown of that industry.

But back to the bill at hand, this climate trigger bill, where it's all about the environment at the expense of the economy, at the expense of Australian households, at the expense of families sleeping well at night knowing, as Senator McKenzie said, they will have a job tomorrow, that they can continue to pay their bills. While we are on bills, there was one promise that was made, and I refer to Senator Payman's contributions in the last debate where she talked about the Nature Positive Plan. I haven't seen anything of substance come out of government on the Nature Positive Plan because—you know what?—it's falling apart. They can't work with anyone in the sector—business, environment, primary producers. No-one is supportive of what this government is doing to our environmental laws in this country.

That's the promise Senator Payman wanted to talk about but not the promise on power prices, which was made 97 times before the last election, but has been referenced only once by any minister in this government since the election. Senator Ayres kindly repeated that figure, $275. He's the only Labor member of parliament to have referenced that promise since the election—one they've abandoned, one they don't care about, again demonstrating how out of touch this government is with the people of Australia. I look forward to hearing whether whoever the Labor speakers are on this debate will touch on this issue, which affects every single Australian household and their ability to pay their bills and have a secure job.


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