Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Matters of Public Importance


4:10 pm

Photo of Mehreen FaruqiMehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

We are in the midst of a housing and rental crisis. Over 1,600 Australians are being pushed into homelessness each month as the housing crisis deepens. The question is: is the Albanese government prepared to face this reality and offer the solutions needed to address the scale of the housing crisis?

Support for the government's housing policy has now slid down into single digits. Only eight per cent of Australians think the government is doing a good job on housing—eight per cent! Almost 90 per cent of people think the government should spend more money directly to build affordable housing, and three-quarters want to see rent caps introduced. One would expect that this would be a jolt to a sitting government. One would expect that these numbers would have the Prime Minister jumping into action and offering a housing policy that makes a real difference. But sadly, one would be wrong. We have a Prime Minister more interested in political argy-bargy than in ensuring people have a roof over their heads.

The Greens have been clear about our demands from the start: more direct funding on the table to build public and affordable housing, rent caps and a rent freeze at the national level. People put us here for a reason: to make change, to ensure that we have a fair housing system and that we have a housing plan that makes sure there is a roof over everyone's head. The Greens haven't forgotten why we're here, but it seems that the Labor Party has. The Prime Minister is increasingly isolated in his refusal to amend Labor's flawed housing policy to meet the scale of the crisis. Over 80 housing organisations have called for the federal government to take the lead to end no-grounds evictions, to limit rent increases and to ensure enforcement of tenancy laws.

In just four months, demand for homelessness services has risen by 7.5 per cent. We know people approach homelessness services when they are desperate for a roof over their head, when they simply cannot find anywhere to stay or when they are fleeing violence and abuse. Imagine being turned away at such a vulnerable point in your life because services are overstretched and dealing with unprecedented demand because the government is choosing not to tackle the scale of the investment that we need. People are burdened by exorbitant rents and unlimited rent rises. With no rental caps in place, many families are just one rent rise away from finding themselves homeless.

Labor has completely abandoned renters. People are suffocating under the weight of government's inaction. Here we have a prime minister who won't even admit there's a housing crisis in this country. I would suggest Mr Albanese walk around in his own electorate to understand the scale of the crisis we face. I have spoken to people again and again, when the Greens have been doorknocking on the ground, and they want action. They want more than the inadequate HAFF. They want rent caps and more direct funding into affordable and public housing. The Prime Minister might as well get on radio tomorrow and tell renters: 'You're on your own, folks. You're on your own.' How pathetic! Stop pretending you don't have a choice, Prime Minister. You have a choice. You have the choice to work with the Greens. You have the choice to show some leadership at National Cabinet. The Greens will continue to fight for what is right. This is why people put us here, and we will never forget that.


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