Senate debates

Monday, 4 September 2023

Statements by Senators

Aged Care

1:52 pm

Photo of Tammy TyrrellTammy Tyrrell (Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie Network) Share this | Hansard source

A cup of tea made exactly the way you like it, your favourite song playing in the background and a friendly face singing along with you: these little things make all the difference to residents in our aged-care homes, and it's about the workers who go above and beyond to put some sunshine in the residents' day. Tuesday 5 September is Thank You for Working in Aged Care Day, and I want to be clear that when I talk about workers in aged care I'm talking about the carers and the nurses, and also the cooks, cleaners, receptionists, allied health professionals and anybody else who helps aged-care facilities tick along. So I'm standing here to say thanks, and I know it's not enough just to say thank you—it's a really tough gig, but I also know it can be so rewarding. My partner, Tim, comes home with some of the funniest, sweetest stories about his time with his residents. He puts so much time and energy into making sure people aren't just looked after physically but also mentally. I know he's not the only one.

There's a lot that the parliament needs to do to say thank you to aged-care workers. There are many recommendations from the royal commission into aged care that still haven't been put into place and we need to start having hard conversations about how we pay for aged care but still provide quality of life for residents. No matter the conversation, when it comes to aged care it always comes back to the workers: you are the heart of it all. Thank you for what you do. I know it might not feel like it at times, but know that you are seen and you are valued. You turn up every day and make a difference in the lives of older Australians. Your contribution means more to them and their families than you will ever, ever know.

On a second note I'd like to give a shout out to Private Annabel Grounds. I apologise in advance for the week you're going to have with me!


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