Senate debates

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Statements by Senators

Child Safety

1:41 pm

Photo of Kerrynne LiddleKerrynne Liddle (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence) Share this | Hansard source

A report in a South Australian newspaper last weekend stated 35 children died from non-medical causes, including accidents. Of those deaths, the cause of 11 is unknown. Fifty-six died from medical issues, including life-limiting conditions, severe disabilities or babies who were stillborn. That is 100 children dead—100 dead who were known to authorities, who were at risk or who were in state care—within a four-year period in my home state of South Australia. This shocking report highlights why we must demand greater accountability, transparency and outcomes from the very services and organisations that work to protect our most vulnerable. In too many cases these children were let down. Their parents, carers and loved ones were let down. As Australians we've been let down.

Those who work in the DV and child protection sector do so because they have a deep commitment to making a positive difference, but they need the resources to back them in and for prevention and early intervention to stop children ending up in their care. It's no secret our systems are being pushed to their limits or are just not performing as they should. We must have transparency and accountability of the billions of dollars granted each year, particularly to the Aboriginal service industry. That's why Senator Price and I have been calling for a Senate enquiry to enforce transparency and accountability, but the Greens, the Labor Party and Senator Pocock said no. They said no to examining services that are supposed to be there for the most vulnerable and, in this case, for Indigenous children. To protect them and to protect their futures—that's what's important. That's what's most important: not protecting these organisations but protecting the children, the most vulnerable.


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