Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Questions without Notice

Pensions and Benefits

2:19 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

I'm obviously not aware of the details of that particular example that you've cited, but, as you are aware, Minister Burke has expressed concern about the program which you're referring to that provides funding through those sorts of agencies. I know you're aware there is an inquiry underway into that agency—not being the minister directly, I think it's Workforce Australia—and the work that that agency does. But of course we believe that everyone in Australia should be treated with respect, whether they be someone in work or someone seeking work. I would be concerned about anything that a particular agency may be doing that doesn't treat people with that level of respect.

More broadly, the issue of poverty is again something that the Albanese government is not just concerned about but is taking action to seek to address. We provided, in the most recent budget, an increase in Commonwealth rent assistance, which I think was the first time in an extremely long time that any Australian government had provided increased rent assistance. Senator Gallagher talked about the action that this government has taken to lift wages, which of course doesn't directly apply to those out of work but certainly for low income Australians those increases in wages have provided some relief. In addition, we've provided additional relief for energy prices. We've provided a massive investment in social housing, which of course is predominantly used by those on low incomes. So there are a range of ways in which the Albanese government is taking action to assist those most disadvantaged within our community, and I look forward, and I am sure Minister Burke looks forward, to seeing the recommendations of the inquiry about how we can make changes to Workforce Australia so that it does fulfil the objectives that it was originally designed for.


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