Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee; Reference

7:04 pm

Photo of Pauline HansonPauline Hanson (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm going to make a few comments as to this, in support of my colleague Senator Roberts in bringing this motion to the Senate and calling for a royal commission into the COVID response. I think it's very important, and I'm going to say a few words as a very concerned Australian who has the privilege and opportunity to speak here in the chamber on behalf of many Australians about the effect this has had on them.

During this period, I was very adamant and concerned about COVID-19, especially the vaccines that we were told to have. I refused to have that vaccine, and I was not going to be bullied or badgered into having it. I was told I couldn't travel or go to pubs, clubs, restaurants or anywhere else unless I had the vaccine. This vaccine was imposed on the Australian people, and it wasn't tested at all by these companies. Testing in reference to vaccines has to be for seven or even 10 years before the vaccine is given to the public. This wasn't. It was done in a very short period of time. Moderna had only been testing, I think, for about 10 months prior to the vaccine being given to the Australian people.

What we have found out since then is the impact that having this vaccine has had on a lot of people in Australia. There have been over 140,000 adverse side effects. That's only people who have reported the side effects or doctors who have reported them to the TGA. That is a big concern. Here in Australia, we have only reported 14 deaths due to the COVID vaccine that they have admitted to, but, as Senator Roberts has stated, there are an extra 30,000 deaths in Australia. A lot of people who died didn't have a true autopsy done on them to determine the real cause of death. Men in particular, after having the vaccine, were affected by myocarditis or pericarditis. It has had an impact on people's health. People pull me up all the time and tell me they have health problems now that they had never had.

A doctor in Rockhampton—get your head around this—who refused to have the vaccine was denied permission to work in the hospital. Rockhampton Hospital, during the night, had no doctors. He wanted to work, but he was told he couldn't work because he hadn't had the vaccination. Doctors were in fear of losing their licences or being unable to practise because, if they refused to give someone a shot, they had to advise them to go and see another doctor to get the vaccine A doctor takes an oath to act in the best interests of the patient they are treating. They should give them the best advice possible. They were shut down from doing that. Why? That should come out. Doctors have a right to explain the reasons why.

There was another thing. Why was ivermectin taken off the prescription list? Why wasn't it allowed to be prescribed by doctors? It's never caused one death in the world, yet we were told it could not be prescribed or given to people. Why? Ivermectin was used in India, and that's what got them over the problems that they had.

These are all questions that need to be asked. Schools were shut down, and we're still hearing to this day about the impact, including the psychological impact, that it's had on our children, but no-one does or says anything about it. In relation to the borders, the premiers of the states became little Hitlers. They did whatever they wanted to do. They shut the borders. They stopped people. As Senator Scarr said, people from northern New South Wales could not come across. There was the case of a woman who was expecting—


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