Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Questions without Notice: Additional Answers

International Humanitarian Assistance

3:02 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

In Senator Hanson's absence, I just have something to add to the answer I gave to her. Australia takes our counterterrorism, antifraud and anticorruption obligations when delivering humanitarian assistance very seriously. I can assure the senator that any support we are providing in response to this crisis goes through trusted partners, including the Red Cross, UNICEF and other UN agencies. All agreements with partners have strict counterterrorism, antifraud and anticorruption requirements, which are closely monitored and applied. Our partners take appropriate due diligence processes, coupled with our own approach to counterterrorism, which mitigates the risk of Australian funding, directly or indirectly, going to Hamas.

I also referred to the UN relief and works agency. Our closest like-mindeds all fund the UN relief and works agency, including the UK, which provides 20 million pounds a year. And the largest contributor to the agency is the United States.

Senator Hanson also asked about what non-government organisations are doing with money they raise from the public. Australians who wish to donate are urged to go to DFAT's Crisis Hub webpage, which includes advice on how to donate with confidence. Australia's counter-terrorism-financing sanctions make it an offence to use or deal with an asset owned or controlled by a listed person or entity or to provide any kind of asset to them.


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