Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Matters of Public Importance

Cost of Living

4:54 pm

Photo of Susan McDonaldSusan McDonald (Queensland, National Party, Shadow Minister for Resources) Share this | Hansard source

It is absolutely appalling that we are seeing the perfect storm of rising cost of living and rising food prices thanks to the complete disaster that this Albanese Labor government is for agriculture right across Australia. When Senator Cadell was speaking about the layer upon layer of outrageous antifarming policies, it reminded me of a Sara Lee cake—the Sara Lee policy construction for anti-agricultural policies.

I'm going to start in the north of the country, in my country, where every bit of water funding has been ripped out. One of the first actions of the Minister for the Environment and Water was to take back every planned water policy. It didn't matter whether it was a dam, a pipeline, small, large, because they hate dams and they hate farmers in the north. To make matters worse, they took that funding—$6 billion, Senator Davey?—


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