Senate debates

Friday, 17 November 2023


Consideration of Legislation

3:07 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

That rousing speech. I would remind everybody, despite his attack on the Greens—and there's nothing wrong with vegan and vegetarianism; I am not, but I think that was a bit unnecessary—I would make the point of the high and mighty principle that was on display, let's remember the coalition worked with the Greens political party to not vote on a bill for six days that they supported. Six days of sitting because they just wanted to create trouble. They were happy to work with the Greens political party then, weren't they?

I expect the Greens wanted a lot of time, because they didn't want that bill. They were actually principled and consistent. You lot wanted the bill, but you just wanted to cause trouble. You just wanted to make sure that we didn't have time to debate it. If you'd really wanted to debate live exports, well, maybe you shouldn't have played around for six days on a bill you agreed with. If you really wanted to talk about live exports, you might have made sure you didn't play some political games on a bill you agreed with, that you eventually had to support. So, let's remember the hypocrisy of those opposite, who chewed up six days on a bill they agreed with and now come in and complain there's not enough time. It's a ridiculous proposition. I move:

That the question be now put.


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