Senate debates

Tuesday, 28 November 2023


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Joint Committee; Report

6:24 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I want to make a short contribution to this debate. I want to acknowledge Senator Dodson. I've just had a chat with him. I hope he doesn't mind me saying now what I said to him privately a moment ago. Whenever Senator Dodson speaks, he is someone well worth listening to with your full attention because he speaks with his full attention. When he stands in this place, to me, it seems like he is firmly connected, with his feet, to the earth and to this country that he is on. He has announced today that he is going to retire from the Senate. I think that will be a very sad day for the Senate, but I think it is time for Senator Dodson to get back to his people and to his country. I'm sure he will stand as firmly on that country as he does on the country that we are on today.

I have to reflect on the time I've spent on parliamentary inquiries with Senator Dodson, particularly the Senate inquiry into offshore detention. I well remember the humanity, the grace, the gravitas and the utter decency that Senator Dodson brought to his work on that committee and the heart that he showed for the people, including the children, who were locked up in Australia's offshore detention regime. Senator Dodson, this place will sorely miss what you bring to it. I join other senators in wishing you all the very, very best for the future.


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