Senate debates

Tuesday, 28 November 2023


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Joint Committee; Report

6:33 pm

Photo of Fatima PaymanFatima Payman (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I was totally unprepared for this, but I will also take this opportunity, not only to acknowledge the incredible work of Senator Pat Dodson—through you, Deputy President—but also the incredible leadership he has shown in the short time I've been around. He has inspired me. He has made me proud to be a fellow WA senator serving alongside him. It has been an honour and privilege, Senator Dodson. We will miss you, and I do regret not being able to spend the rest of the term I've got here serving alongside you. But your eloquence and wisdom will continue, and will forever remain in our hearts and guide us when we continue to pave the way that you've already started. There's a quote of yours that has always stuck with me, and I want to use this opportunity to remind everyone of it. You said:

Australians must understand their own philosophies of equity and honour and mateship and live up to those. And that has to fly across the board. Fear should be the failure to create a united nation within our nation: one that has moved its goalposts a bit to accommodate the First Nations' aspirations.

You may not have been amongst us during the referendum campaign, Senator Dodson, but you were there in spirit. And this is a promise on behalf of the future generations to come, and the young ones who have been touched by your leadership and service: we'll continue the work that you've started. Thank you very much. I seek leave to continue my remarks later.

Leave granted; debate adjourned.


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