Senate debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Answers to Questions

3:09 pm

Photo of Nita GreenNita Green (Queensland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

When we talk about energy bill price relief and the fact that those opposite voted against it, of course they're going to shout over me, because it is embarrassing for those opposite that they voted against energy bill price relief for some of the lowest income earners in this country. I understand why you would talk over me when I say that. I understand why you don't want us to talk about cheaper medicines. And I understand why you don't want us to talk about the fact that people are saving on medicines in this country, because Australians know that, in this Senate, you voted six times against that policy. You hated cheaper medicines so much that you voted six times to disallow that policy. I understand why it's very difficult for you to go out there and talk to people about cost of living when you voted against cheaper bills and when you voted against cheaper medicines.

The thing that is most embarrassing for those opposite when we talk about cost of living is when we talk about wages and making sure that people have more money in their pocket. If you are serious about cost of living and care about cost of living, then you need to show what you have done to put more money into people's pockets and lift their wages. What have you done to help? Well, you voted against the secure jobs and better pay act. That's what you voted against: a bill to deliver—wait for it—secure jobs and better pay for Australians.

But I take what Senator Brockman said; we have been talking about secure jobs for a long time now. Let's talk about what the opposition did this week when it comes to the cost of living and secure jobs. Just this week those opposite voted against our closing loopholes bill, a bill that would make sure that we close the loopholes that are driving down wages, particularly in regional Queensland. I note that in the House of Representatives the closing loopholes bill was voted against by the member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry; the member for Flynn; and the member for Dawson—all of the people that go out there and say they support mining workers. They don't support mining workers if they don't support the closing loopholes bill.

The number one issue that we talk to people about, particularly in regional Queensland and regional Australia, is housing. Today we saw those opposite team up with the Greens to play politics on housing again with your friends down there on the other side of the chamber—the Max Chandler-Mathers of the world are now friends with those people here—to delay a bill that would make sure that 40,000 low-income earners have access to buy a home. That's what you voted against today: to delay a bill like that; to make it harder; to make that policy take longer; and to avoid a policy that would make sure that 40,000 low- and middle-income earners could have access to buy a home.

If you want to write questions and you want to bring dixers here and you want to ask questions about cost of living, I am happy—and I know our ministers are happy—to answer questions about bill relief and about cost of living and housing and closing the loopholes and wages, because our government is the only government that has taken this to task. The opposition can continue with their nasty politics and rhetoric, but we will continue delivering for Australians.


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