Senate debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Questions without Notice

Tasmania: Salmon Industry

2:14 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

We've got a bit of auditioning going on here, I reckon. I'm grateful for the indication that the announcement had been made; I appreciate the senator's drawing that to my attention. I see here that Ms Plibersek has made an announcement in relation to consultation on salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour. The second page of that statement says, 'Salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour does not have to pause while this occurs,' so I assume that the senator may not have read that statement at the time he asked me that question.

I would make this point: we understand this is an issue of contest, of concern, to many people. I would make the point that these laws, which have been supported by both sides of politics—I think they were originally introduced by a Liberal environment minister—are laws which need to be applied fairly and appropriately, and I'm sure that is the way in which Minister Plibersek will seek to approach this. I would assume that the senator would not be advocating anything else.


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