Senate debates

Monday, 4 December 2023

Questions without Notice


2:49 pm

Photo of Don FarrellDon Farrell (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Sterle for his question and his interest in trade, which so benefits his home state of Western Australia. The coalition's mismanagement of trading relationships and denial of climate change hurt our country's trade and investment relationships. But, in just 18 months since the Albanese government came to office, I'm pleased to advise that Australia's trade agenda is being progressed in a stable and positive way.

Trade impediments affecting Australian exports to China, for instance, worth $20 billion have been removed or are on the pathway to removal. By any measure, this is a huge achievement which has been positively acknowledged by miners and farmers right across Australia.

Australian exporters are benefiting from the Albanese government's hard work to finalise trade deals with the United Kingdom and India. Exports to the United Kingdom have increased significantly in the first four months of the agreement entering into force, including beef, which increased by around 320 per cent; honey, which increased by more than 170 per cent; and sheepmeat, which increased by 35 per cent. That's great news for farmers, including in your home state of Western Australia, Senator Sterle, and right across the country. And Australian exporters are taking advantage of the trade deal with India. Agricultural exports have grown by 86 per cent in the first seven months of 2023, and exports of manufactured goods, such as pharmaceuticals, wood and paper products, cosmetics and medical devices, have increased markedly. Trade is vitally important to Australian economic prosperity. More exports mean more and higher-paying jobs for Australian workers.


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