Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Questions without Notice


2:57 pm

Photo of David FawcettDavid Fawcett (SA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, Senator Wong. Thirty thousand Ukrainians are killed or wounded every month in the counteroffensive against the Russian invasion. The wounded are generally driven to the hospital, often in the back of an ordinary car or truck—a delay of hours which medical experts say significantly increases the chances of death or permanent disability. That's why the Ukrainian government needs helicopters for aeromedical evacuation and has asked Australia to donate the Taipans which we've retired. The narrative of the Albanese government that the Taipan fleet is beyond repair was demonstrated to be inaccurate by photos published last week which show the majority of the fleet in hangars in Townsville, largely intact and subsequently confirmed as being airworthy. Minister, why is the government so intent on digging a hole and burying these airworthy helicopters, rather than helping to save Ukrainian lives?


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