Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Matters of Public Importance


5:21 pm

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you for that protection. No matter how much they try to interject, the reality is that the Australian people remember only too clearly the broken promises of Mr Abbott. They remember very clearly the failures of the Turnbull government. And let's talk about Mr Morrison's government, shall we? According to Nemesisit's not just us saying this; even their our own colleagues are saying this—when Mr Morrison was Treasurer he used to leak all the tax policies to the media before even talking to his own cabinet colleagues, whereas in this circumstance the Prime Minister and the Treasurer went through due process, got the support of cabinet, got the support of the caucus of the Labor government. And we will never walk away—


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