Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Matters of Public Importance


5:34 pm

Photo of Karen GroganKaren Grogan (SA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Yes, you can watch that too, because that's also there.

What the Albanese Labor government tax cuts are doing is delivering a better, more progressive tax system. The plan returns bracket creep for all taxpayers. We're dropping two tax rates, lifting two thresholds and essentially giving everyone a tax cut. The coalition's plan was legislated five years ago, and the world was a very different place, before the once-in-100-year pandemic, persistent inflation, higher interest rates, two conflicts and global uncertainty. Australians have been under sustained, increased pressure. As the circumstances changed that radically in five years, it would be a very blind and deaf government that didn't respond to those changes, and we are neither. So we have responded, and the tax cuts that we are bringing in will make a fundamental difference to the cost-of-living pressures that people are facing every single day in this country.

Those opposite are now in a situation where they're going to vote for these Albanese Labor government tax cuts. Why? Because it's the right thing to do. If you genuinely believed it wasn't, you would have kept up the fight against them, but you haven't. You're now just going off down rabbit holes about any old thing you can grab hold of. Where we are now is a situation where the policy settings are right, they reflect the national interest and they are responsive to the economic circumstances that we are facing. We are the party of lower tax. We are the party of a better, fairer tax system. That is what the Labor government is doing.


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