Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Statements by Senators

Australia Day

1:36 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Along with most Australians, I celebrate Australia Day because it's a day to reflect on our wonderful country, which we are all truly blessed to be in. Sadly, because of the Left, this day is turning into yet another divisive issue that's fracturing our nation, and this has been spurred on by radical activists and virtue-signalling big businesses. As we've all seen, Woolworths made the unprecedented move to remove all Australia Day merchandise from their stores, saying that it was unpopular. This was followed by Cricket Australia announcing that they wouldn't recognise Australia Day in their test match, but, thankfully, due to public pressure they backflipped. Australians are sick to death of the constant lectures from inner-city activists, celebrities and big businesses who think they are taking the moral high ground but who, frankly are completely out of touch with everyday Australians. To Woolworths I say: rather than telling Australians what you think of their day, focus on delivering fresh groceries at reasonable prices to Australians who are hurting because of the cost of living.

Australia, it's time to adopt a culture of courage. Don't be afraid to tell these businesses what you think. It's time to stand up and defend our values. We cannot continue to stoop down to the radical agenda that's threatening the future of our country. If we don't act, our country will change for the worse. We're not proud of everything in our history, but I am proud of the country we are today. This is the best country in the world. Be proud of it, and don't let the Left steal the joy of this great day.


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