Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024


Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce

9:21 am

Photo of Perin DaveyPerin Davey (NSW, National Party, Shadow Minister for Water) Share this | Hansard source

I rise on behalf of the Nationals and as a member of the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce to comment on the 2024 annual report. At the outset, I want to thank my colleagues on the taskforce for their constructive and collaborative efforts to implement the recommendations of the Set the standard report authored by then Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

I agree with my colleague Senator Hume, because change takes time. It is vitally important that when we're going through these recommendations and working out how to implement them—when we're taking it from the theoretical to the practical—we strongly consider all the implications and ramifications of what is proposed to make sure that we don't inadvertently bring about unintended consequences that can actually make it worse for us, for our staff and for all the people who work in this building. We don't want to accidentally create a situation where we, by trying to address issues, create something that might have more risk. So it is right that we take a respectful approach to these recommendations and make sure that we are implementing things that are practical and enforceable but don't create excess risk.

One of the first things that the PLT did was manage to establish the PWSS, the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service. That has now been legislated and is always fully operational. I want to thank the staff at the PWSS and commend their early work and the work they continue to do. I have heard from both staff and parliamentarians that just having this service that they can go to for confidential information and feedback has given them a greater level of confidence in their own ability to manage staff, to manage complaints and to manage workplace issues. So I really want to commend the PWSS. I think it is a great service and, as time goes on, its value will be further recognised.

In the PLT, together we have worked to see 13 of the 28 recommendations fully implemented, and that is progress. There are also eight recommendations in progress, six partly implemented and one pending. That is a significant achievement that should be recognised, as well as the achievement of bringing together members from across the political spectrum to pass the legislation that was needed and to adopt the changes required to make this place a better, safer and more respectful place to work.

When I attended the breakfast held by UN women this morning to set the scene and establish the theme for this year's International Women's Day—the theme of 'Count Her In', to empower women and to address financial literacy across women—it really brought home what we're trying to achieve in the PLT, not just for women but for the range of diversity we should celebrate in this society, be it race, religion, gender, geography or heritage. That's what we need to support and that's what this place needs to recognise, because it should be all of that. We who are elected to this place have a responsibility to represent our constituents honestly and with integrity, and those we employ and those who are employed in this building to help us do our jobs should be able to go about their business safely, without fear of harassment or bullying, and with respect.

So I, too, thank the secretariat. I thank Vivienne Thom and I thank all my colleagues who are committed to working together to make this place a better place to work. Thank you.


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