Senate debates

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Questions without Notice


2:00 pm

Photo of Jane HumeJane Hume (Victoria, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Minister Gallagher. On 26 July 2021, in a media release, the Prime Minister, along with the Treasurer, said:

An Albanese Labor Government will deliver the same legislated tax relief to more than 9 million Australians as the Morrison Government.

The Shadow Cabinet and Caucus have today confirmed that Labor in government will uphold the legislated changes to personal income taxes and maintain the existing regimes for negative gearing and capital gains tax.

Minister, given you have already broken your promise to uphold legislated changes to personal income taxes, will you now categorically rule out any changes to negative gearing?


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