Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024



10:27 am

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

It's of deep regret that the Senate continues to face suspension motions like this from the Greens political party, who are clearly only looking for ways to use this crisis to whip up anger to gain votes. We heard that in the presentation from Senator Steele-John, who perpetuates incorrect statements. We have not sold arms to Israel. We have increased funding for multiple agencies in Palestine. Don't come in here and try to whip it up, as you have done in previous sittings. How about the Senate work together on a pathway for peace and on keeping our community unified? It's clearly not what you want, but that is the responsible approach from an Australian government and an Australian parliament.

We are a respected voice on the conflict in the Middle East, even if we're not a central player in it. The government is using Australia's voice to advocate for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and humanitarian access, the release of hostages and the protection of civilians. If the Greens were really concerned about the crisis in the Middle East, they would be engaged in the discussions for a pathway to peace and keeping our community unified. They continue to reproduce the conflict here to whip up anger and fear and to perpetuate myths in the Australian community because they think there are votes in it for them. I remind the Greens that right now there are 130 hostages still being held by the terrorist group Hamas. They have been since 7 October, when 1,200 Israelis and foreigners were killed in attacks.


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