Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Answers to Questions

3:02 pm

Photo of Jonathon DuniamJonathon Duniam (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Environment, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Measure my language? Okay. Well then the Tasmanian Labor team are, true to form, misleading every Tasmanian about what they actually stand for. They're still trying to figure it out, of course, because they were caught off guard with this election. They don't know what their policy is, so they've just whipped this one out of the drawer. They're going to tear up Marinus Link, which is good for our energy transition, good for jobs and good for the economy—1,400 jobs and $1.4 billion of economic activity in our state. Mr Winter and Ms White, the brains trust of the Tasmanian Labor team, want to tear it all up. But, as was proven today, they can't do that.

It begs the question: what communication is actually taking place between the Labor Party in Canberra and the Labor Party in Tasmania? I suspect diddly squat—none. Nothing is actually being done in terms of what they are asking from the Australian government. They have no capacity, no leverage, no ability to extract anything out of the Albanese Labor government. You would have thought that, if there was one strong suit that team Labor in Tasmania has, it would be to have the Labor government onside when they're going to announce policies related to federal areas of policy. They didn't. They didn't do their homework. They didn't check. Tasmanians, as I said in the question, will be worse off. They'll be paying more for electricity under Labor. There'll be fewer jobs. There'll be less economic activity. And of course the mainland will not be getting the benefit of our clean green power. Labor don't know what they're doing, and I hope to God they don't win the next election.


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