Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Matters of Urgency

National Security

4:48 pm

Photo of Pauline HansonPauline Hanson (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise in support of Operation Sovereign Borders. That's because Labor's incompetence has basically put out the welcome mat for the people smugglers. These smugglers are the lowest form of vermin, preying on human misery and false hope. They have noted how immigrant murderers and sex offenders are being allowed to roam freely in our community by this Labor government. They have noted Labor won't maintain the level of monitoring and surveillance necessary to deter their attacks on our borders. They are absolutely delighted that Labor has gotten rid of temporary protection visas, a critical deterrent against their foul business model.

Labor cannot be trusted with the security of our borders. Australia must return to the full model that stopped the boats. It's the only proven effective model that prevents deaths at sea. It's a model admired in many countries whose borders are being attacked by people smugglers. It should beggar belief that Labor would sacrifice the security of our borders and the safety of our community by dismantling this model. Sadly, however, it's very believable. Labor has never supported a strong border, and it was only a matter of time before the people smugglers returned. Because of the way the High Court decision has been handled and because of the release of 149 out of our prisons or detention centres, I call for Minister Giles to be sacked. He has got to go. He is hopeless as a minister and incompetent at his job. At the next election I hope the people of Australia realise that our current Prime Minister has to go also for his incompetence and for how this matter has been handled. As far as I am concerned, our security is of utmost importance for this nation and for the people of Australia.


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