Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Senators

Prime Minister, Taxation

1:40 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

While I don't take responsibility for other people's feelings, I will withdraw in the interest of not upsetting people too much. He is swanning around as though the weight of responsibility of running this beautiful country of ours was somehow not on his shoulders. It's not the job of the Prime Minister to party at a time when everyday Australians are struggling to pay their rent, pay their mortgage, find a roof to put over their heads and pay their electricity bills, especially because of his government's policies. Can someone on the government benches please remind Prime Minister Anthony Albanese that the word 'party' in 'Labor Party' doesn't mean what he thinks it means?

All the while Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, and now known as the 'Minister for Misery', has been out there destroying our productive capacity, making people's lives harder. His latest policy is a tax on commercial vehicles, including utes that tradies need to be a tradie. How can a so-called party of working Australians introduce a ute tax that will make it harder for tradies to own what is an essential tool of their trade? Have you considered what that tax would do to housing construction? It will cut house production and raise house costs. If ever the analogy of fiddling while Rome burns is appropriate to a modern leader, it's now. It's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. What a disgrace!


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