Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice

Immigration Detention

2:13 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

These matters are being managed by the AFP and state and territory police forces, as Senator Cash knows. We are not making comment on individual matters. Where an offence occurs or charges are laid, they are reported in the normal way, as you would expect. Whether that would be through the state and territory police forces or through the AFP, all individuals—

No, that's not true. I'll take the interjection. All individuals are being monitored, and as you were told at estimates—

No, that is not true, Senator Cash. If you want to perpetuate myths and mistruths to play politics, that's on your head. The officials—our police who are in charge, our Home Affairs staff who are in charge—are doing the job that we have asked them to do, as they should do. They are the experts. They are in charge. They are managing this situation. They are keeping the government briefed. They are providing information where it is required. And you've just had a whole week of estimates to investigate this yourself, where you were given a range of evidence. But I am very confident that the AFP and the ABF, along with their state and territory counterparts, are doing the job that they need to do, keeping the community safe. (Time expired)


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