Senate debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice

Oil and Gas Exploration

2:47 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

The New South Wales government have been very clear that they're going to stop PEP-11. They've done their bit. Now it's your turn. The Prime Minister said to the voters on the New South Wales Central Coast: 'A Labor government I lead will rule out PEP-11,' and, 'We will consign it to the dustbin of history where it belongs.' Two years into this term of government—after sitting on this advice for six months, I note from your previous answer—will you provide certainty to New South Wales coastal communities on stopping PEP-11 that is causing anxiety, frustration and anger?


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