Senate debates

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Statements by Senators

Tasmania State Election

1:44 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

It is election time in Tasmania, and, entirely predictably, the Labor and Liberal parties are spending much of their time demonising minority government. Both the Labor and Liberal leaders have ruled out negotiating with the Greens if there is a power sharing parliament elected. Let's name this for what it is—Labor and Liberal politicians playing political games. People in Tasmania are rightfully sick of this kind of rubbish, political gameplaying. In total contrast, the Greens have said we will respect the will of the Tasmanian people and we will work constructively and collaboratively with whatever parliament the Tasmanian voters elect. Put the Greens in the balance of power, and we will push the next government to take action on climate change, to stop native forest logging, to make public transport free, to abolish public school levies, to stop the stadium at Macquarie Point, to cap skyrocketing rents, and much, much more.

A power sharing parliament would be the best outcome for Tasmania on 23 March because it would mean that no political party has absolute power. It would mean every policy, every law and every decision has to be the result of a genuine effort to find common ground, to build consensus and to respect the diverse voices that make up the great state of Tasmania. A power sharing parliament is government for grown-ups, and the Greens stand ready to respect the will of the Tasmanian voters. The challenge for Jeremy Rockliff and Rebecca White is to stop playing political games and make the same commitment.


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