Senate debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Questions without Notice

Immigration Detention

2:16 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

I can confirm that this individual is not part of the NZYQ cohort. We continue to take every possible step to deport people who have no right to stay in this country. The matter is currently before the court, so I won't be going into any individual matters, but I do draw the Senate's attention to the comments of the judge in the most recent hearing, who said: 'There appears to be a very fixed view on the part of the minister to be rid of this man.' He is right.

I would also point out to the chamber that those opposite had five years to remove this individual and, surprise, surprise, they didn't do it. The opposition leader not only holds the record as the worst health minister in 35 years; we have now had three reports by three eminent Australians—former public servants—who have uncovered and highlighted the system of neglect and maladministration that existed in it the Home Affairs portfolio under his watch.

While he would have you believe he was the tough cop on the beat, these three reports say otherwise. They show a failed migration system full of problems. They uncovered the significant abuses of sexual exploitation, human trafficking and other organised crime. Dr Parkinson found that it was a deliberate decision to neglect the system and that it was so badly broken it required a 10-year rebuild. That was the finding of Dr Parkinson, and I could go on, because the opposition's record in this area is full of failure. (Time expired)


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