Senate debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024


White, Senator Linda

3:06 pm

Photo of Glenn SterleGlenn Sterle (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to speak on the condolence motion for our mate, Linda White, who we sadly lost last month. Now, Linda and I met almost 20 years ago and, while we came from different unions—Linda from the ASU and me from the TWU—I couldn't say we were actually bedmates in our union years. There was always some fiery conversations, but it was always done with respect.

Linda's passion and commitment to the trade union movement and the ALP, as well as her esteemed reputation for fighting for justice and workers' rights, was palpable. More recently, it has been a privilege and an honour for me to serve with Linda in the Senate but especially to work with her on a number of Senate committees as well as watch her chairing the NACC committee; she was instrumental in establishing that, as we heard earlier. Most prominently, Linda and I worked together on the Senate standing committees on rural and regional affairs and transport. Linda took an immediate interest in all issues that came before the committees, including agriculture, transport and biosecurity. She was a fierce participant and advocate at Senate inquiries and more so at Senate estimates. This is where her light and talent shone most bright.

I also had the opportunity to travel to Vietnam with Linda as part of a delegation with the RRAT committee, and I will cherish those memories that we had on that week with Senator Colbeck and Senator Whish-Wilson. It was just a fantastic group of four colleagues from different political parts of the spectrum, and we had an absolute ball representing Australia and working together with each other. I will remember my time with Linda fondly and I will miss her intellect, her directness—which we all know about—her sense of humour and her quick wit, but mostly I will miss her presence and her friendship.

Linda wasn't in the Senate for long, but, crikey, she made an impact. For those of us who worked with her closely in this place, not only did we benefit from her friendship, her insight and her perspective; we also got to witness a strong friendship develop and strengthen between Linda and her loyal and devoted offsider Ben Armstrong—you have also become a mate of ours, Ben. I understand that Ben started working with Linda not long after she was elected and quickly became her trusted confidant and adviser. With Linda and I both on the RRAT committees, our offices began to work more closely together on inquiries, hearings, estimates preparations, stakeholder engagement and everything related to transport and agriculture before the Senate. That naturally led us to spending a lot of time together, and you could see during our many meetings how much Linda respected Ben's work and opinion, and, more towards the end of Linda's time in this place, Ben's loyal and unwavering friendship. We know how much that special relationship meant to both Linda and Ben, and our hearts go out to you, mate. We are only ever a phone call away, and don't forget that. My heartfelt condolences go to Linda's brother, Michael; her family and friends; and also her loyal staff who are with us today. Linda, our mate, may you rest in peace.


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