Senate debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024


White, Senator Linda

3:53 pm

Photo of Fatima PaymanFatima Payman (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

It's Thursday 21 July 2022, and I find myself in Canberra for a two-day intensive at Senate school. Recently elected, among the many newbies in the class of 2022, I met Linda White, a wise yet very humble human being with an incredible presence and an awesome sense of humour. I would soon learn that Linda had an impressive collection of glasses in very bright colours and that she loved matching them with her outfits. As someone who's obsessed with colour coordination myself, of course I would notice that about Linda. But I never imagined I'd be standing here 19 months later contributing to a condolence motion for Linda, who'd been a mentor, answering my endless questions during divisions when I managed to catch her. She was a comrade who fought furiously for workers' rights, and she was a cheerleader when I asked my first-ever question during question time or when I took note for the first time.

All our hearts in the Labor family and across this place are heavy with sorrow at the profound loss of Senator Linda White. Today, we gather not only to mourn her passing but to celebrate the extraordinary life she led and the remarkable impact she made on our nation. Linda was more than formidable; she was a force of nature. To many, she was a beloved friend, a cherished colleague and a tireless advocate for the causes she held dear. I'm saddened that I don't get to serve with her, learn from her or enjoy her company longer than I already have.

Through her unwavering dedication to the Labor movement, Linda embodied the very essence of solidarity, standing resolutely by the side of working Australians every step of the way. From her early days as student society president at Melbourne Law School to her tenure as assistant national secretary to the Australian Services Union, Linda demonstrated a remarkable commitment to justice and equality. She fought tirelessly against corruption and injustice, leaving a lasting mark on the fabric of our society. Throughout her career, Linda championed the rights of workers, from protecting entitlements in times of crisis to advocating for equal pay for social and community service workers. Her impact was felt far and wide, touching the lives of countless individuals across the nation.

But perhaps what defined Linda most was her unwavering belief in the power of compassion and empathy. She understood that true progress could only be achieved through collective action and solidarity. Whether it was advocating for the most vulnerable in our society or fighting for the rights of women, Linda approached every challenge with grace, determination and an unyielding sense of purpose.

In her all-too-brief time in the Senate, Linda made an indelible mark on our nation's history. Her commitment to transparency and accountability, as exemplified by her advocacy for the National Anti-Corruption Commission, will continue to inspire us for generations to come. As we mourn Linda's passing, let us also take comfort in the knowledge that her legacy will endure. She leaves behind a legacy of compassion, integrity and unwavering dedication.

On behalf of the Senate team and the Labor family, I extend my deepest condolences to Linda's family, her loved ones, her brother, Michael, her entire office team—who are with us today—and all those who had the privilege of knowing her. Among Linda's staff, I want to particularly acknowledge Ben, who was by her side until she left peacefully and held her in high regard as a great boss and an even better friend. From the evening that I found out and reached out to Ben, I want to share with you all a sentiment from Ben as he reflected on Linda's mentorship, which I wholeheartedly second. Ben said, 'Linda taught me how to do a better and kinder version of politics.' This mindset is something we can all aspire to in this place.

Though she may be gone, Linda's spirit will live on in the countless lives she's touched and the causes she's championed. Rest in peace, dear friend. You will be dearly missed, but your legacy will continue to inspire us all.


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