Senate debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024


White, Senator Linda

12:27 pm

Photo of Larissa WatersLarissa Waters (Queensland, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

We've heard some beautiful and heartfelt tributes from both sides of politics today for the late Senator Linda White, and I'd like to associate myself and the Greens with those remarks.

In her first speech, Linda shared one of her mottos: 'If you're a successful woman, you have a duty to bring other women along with you, because if you don't, who will?' And bring women along she did. Throughout her career, with the Australian Services Union and as a senator in our parliament, Linda elevated the worth of women's work. As a fellow ASU member, I truly and deeply thank Linda for her tireless efforts over many, many years. Linda used her skills before coming to this place to stand up for people who were doing it tough, and she fought not only to improve their individual lives but also to change the world so that things would be better for them.

In more than a decade as the Assistant National Secretary of the ASU, Linda campaigned for paid family and domestic violence leave. She fought for equal pay for community and social services workers, the vast majority of whom are women, and she fought for making the superannuation system fairer for women. I'm sure Linda would be so proud of the really good progress made on all of those issues, including the recent announcement to add superannuation to paid parental leave. I can only imagine what she might have championed next and the benefits that would flow from her efforts.

Linda was also a strong defender of our democracy, and I thank her for her work as chair in overseeing the establishment and the running of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. I strongly agree with Linda's belief that everyone in this parliament has an important role to play in restoring the public's trust in the political process, and I hope that we can all carry on with that work.

We have lost Linda far too soon, and we acknowledge the heartfelt grief that people, especially in the Labor family, are feeling. On behalf of the Greens, I share our condolences and extend our support and our love for your tragic loss in the extended period of grief that will follow. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Hearing more about Linda, I wish I had had the chance to know her better personally. Her work has been incredible, and I would have loved to have had the benefit of her wit and humour on a personal level.

To Linda's staff, her close friends and her family, and to all those who loved her: our hearts go out to you. We are all the poorer for not having Linda White with us anymore. Vale, Linda White.


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