Senate debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024


White, Senator Linda

12:36 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

A comma became a semicolon, or something like that. Seriously, the fact that it was Linda, who I had deep respect for and who I knew had a lifelong principled approach to politics, absolutely weighed on my mind in those couple of examples and in so many other interactions that I had with Linda and that I think so many of us had as well.

I will really miss Linda. I know there are people here who'll miss Linda a lot more than me, but I'll really miss her. I remember saying to Senator Gallagher, when I learned of Linda's passing, that you think about what someone like Linda White could have achieved had she got to the Senate earlier in her career, but I know that Linda wouldn't have cared about that. She wasn't here long, but she made an indelible mark on this country's political history. She was absolutely happy being a backbencher, and she did really important work as a backbencher. I deeply respect Linda, and I deeply respect everything that she achieved through her career. My sincere condolences to all of those who loved Linda. Vale, Linda White. We'll really miss you.


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