Senate debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Matters of Urgency

Tasmania: Salmon Industry

4:43 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Senate will consider the proposal from Senator Duniam, which has also been circulated as shown on the Dynamic Red, as follows:

Pursuant to standing order 75, I give notice that today I propose to move "That, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of urgency:

The need for Environment Minister Plibersek to urgently guarantee that the economic and social importance of, and the hundreds of direct and indirect jobs that depend on, Tasmania's salmon industry are not in any way negatively impacted by any decision taken by the Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999".

Is consideration of the proposal supported?

More than the number of senators required by the standing orders having risen in their places—

With the concurrence of the Senate, the clerks will set the clocks in line with the informal arrangements made by the whips.


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