Senate debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024


National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment Bill 2023; In Committee

12:03 pm

Photo of David ShoebridgeDavid Shoebridge (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the minister for that explanation. I'll note a couple of things. This amendment by no means fundamentally changes the definition; the broad definition remains as set out. What it simply does is say, 'Within the broad definition, let's have no doubt that virginity testing amounts to abuse.' It in no way undermines or limits that broad definition; indeed, it supports it. When the minister says that there will be different treatment for this class of survivors—Minister, there already is different treatment for this class of survivors, and the different treatment they're facing is having their claims denied, and in circumstances that I think all of us would agree are fundamentally wrong. And so I ask the minister: does the government have a view as to whether or not virginity testing was then and is now in breach of accepted community standards?


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