Senate debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Questions without Notice


2:29 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Recent data from the Greenhouse Gas Inventory showed emissions in the last quarter of last year were lower than in the same period of the year prior. In fact, they're 25 per cent below June 2005 levels, the base year for our targets under the Paris Agreement. Australia's renewable surge helped to deliver a 71 per cent decrease in wholesale electricity prices over this period while also driving down emissions. There's been record investment in batteries and large-scale storage, $4.9 billion in new financial commitments and more rooftop solar systems installed across the country. We have more work to do to get more renewables into the system, but the evidence is clear: no matter how much Senator Canavan rails against it, the best way to deliver clean, cheap, reliable, resilient energy is to ensure there is more renewable energy in the system.

Meanwhile, over there, they're off on their nuclear fantasy.


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