Senate debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Questions without Notice

New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

2:12 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the senator for her question. I take the opportunity to point out—because I understand this has been the subject of some questioning while I have not been able to be here—that, obviously, Australia lags behind the US and most other developed countries when it comes to vehicle emissions standards. I am sure that the senator would be aware that it is important for us to join the rest of the world and comparable economies in terms of the vehicle efficiency standards.

I note that we have had a consultation process. I understand that the ministers are working closely with industry to integrate sensible suggestions into the legislation. We have obviously taken note of changes made to the US standards which were announced this week. These are one of the matters that the government will be considering as we finalise the policy. I am sure that the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Climate Change and Energy will be happy to consider sensible suggestions to ensure the policy does what it is intended to do—that is, to give Australians more choice of vehicles that cost less to drive and cost less to charge.


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