Senate debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Health Care

2:39 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

We have discussions, as I said, with the opposition and government of Tasmania about pressing priorities. I have had discussions with Ms White, I have certainly had them around health, when I have had the opportunity to meet with her. I know the health minister works across the parliament in Tasmania on that, and I would think it's highly unusual that a Labor leader in any state or territory or in the federal jurisdiction would not go to the people of their state with a comprehensive policy around health, hospital infrastructure and improving services. We know they've been under pressure in Tasmania and, from what I've seen of the campaign, health is a critical issue, so I don't think it's any surprise that commitments are being made about that. The Commonwealth remains open and prepared to engage, once the people of Tasmania have had their say.


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