Senate debates

Thursday, 21 March 2024


Customs Tariff Amendment (Incorporation of Proposals) Bill (No. 2) 2023; Second Reading

1:25 pm

Photo of Jordon Steele-JohnJordon Steele-John (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

The Australian Greens will be supporting this bill, but I want to direct the majority of my contributions to the content of the amendment circulated by my colleague Senator Cox, who now occupies the chair. This second reading amendment does a simple yet profound thing. It gives this Senate the opportunity to call explicitly for an end to the export of arms manufactured in Australia to the State of Israel. It is critical that the parliament and indeed the government join with the Australian community in opposing and ending arms sales to the State of Israel, because the State of Israel is right now engaged in acts which include crimes against humanity and war crimes, and which are under investigation for acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. In this context, with this evidence before the government and the parliament, it is urgent that arms sales to the State of Israel end.

The Australian Labor Party for months has looked the Australian community in the eye and communicated a profound mistruth. The government has misled the Australian people. The government has attempted again and again in this place to gaslight the Australian community. Every single time a Palestinian, an Australian advocate of human rights or a member of the Senate rises in this place and asks the foreign minister or the representative of the defence minister to clearly acknowledge the reality that we are in fact exporting arms currently to the State of Israel and to end that practice, the foreign minister or the representative of the defence minister replies that it is their advice that Australia is not exporting arms to the State of Israel. The facts show this to be a blatant lie. So we are left with absolutely no doubt—


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